Recognize Emotional Eating and Stop It
Emotional eating is a way to cope with different emotions and feelings. You can check if you are an emotional eater with the following questions…
5 Myths about Bulimia
The information you can find on the subject is extremely limited and in many cases wrong. That is why I will share the most common myths about bulimia.
How to help a friend with bulimia?
People are different and we have to take that into account. However, there are a few things that everyone who has a friend with bulimia should know.
The Effects of Bulimia
The effects and problems encountered due to bulimia and other eating disorders are many and can affect many aspects of a person’s life.
Bulimia Nervosa and Binge Eating Disorder
Bulimia Nervosa and Binge Eating Disorder are very similar serious eating disorders. Here are the official criteria for diagnosing them.
Eating Disorder – Causes and Risk Factors
Causes for developing an eating disorder can be very complex. However, scientists have identified several groups of major risk factors.